Joseph C. Sternber writes, "The problem with old people is that they eventually stop working," and "No workers equals no tax revenue."
The Department of Homeland Security reports that more than 530,000 people were apprehended at the U.S. southern border in just the first half of 2019.
The Census Bureau data from 2011-15 shows that immigrants are about 20% more likely than native-born Americans to found new companies.
In order for the country's economic growth and further expansion to continue, we must finally implement the sensible, merit-based, America First Immigration Plan. The numbers don't lie, and even though the previous Administrations used demographics and worker participation rates as cover for their excuses and socialism, eventually the current economic expansion will run into unnecessary ceilings if we don't fix the immigration piece of the economy.
Japan has spent decades in recession and economic purgatory because of an aging population problem, a problem they could have fixed with a better cultural acceptance of immigration. Germany the same, except for now Chancellor Merkel opened the flood gates not for positive, self-enhancing immigration, but for self-destructive immigration.
The economic immigration which must happen immediately in the U.S. is the selfish, narcissistic, America First immigration which will provide signification boost to GDP growth. All CEOs know that revenue cures all ills. Now, to finally implement the correct plan, the current Administration will have to give CNN more fodder than ever to roll out every politically-incorrect attack. But, as group psychology studies support, we must implement the hardest parts of what truly needs to be done during periods when the attacks couldn't be any worse.
The economic environment has never been stronger. The Wall Street Journal reports that unemployment is at a 50-year low, and there are roughly 1.2 million more job openings now than there are people to fill them. The black unemployment rate hasn't been this low in generations, and the jobless rate for black women is the lowest on record. Wages for low-wage workers are rising faster than higher-wage earners, and both at the fastest clips in a decade. The Hispanic poverty rate in 2017 was the lowest ever recorded. Now is the time!
We will soon be Japan unless we can implement a selfish, merit-based system. (You are not allowed to scream for more "asylum seeking refugee" immigration unless you have taken in one of these families to live in your home. And, if you have, the rest of us are thankful for your incredible generosity. Please send us stories).
At the higher end of our economic spectrum, only about 1 in 5 who apply for green cards in any year are awarded resident status. We must open the gates here. An immigrant college graduate is 38% likelier to found a business than an immigrant high school graduate. An immigrant who arrives before turning 20 is 34% likelier to start a company than one who arrives after 35.
Edward P. Lazear's research shows that immigrants from Israel, Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Greece are 300% more likely to found an incorporated business than native-born Americans. Economic literature suggests entrepreneurial parents create entrepreneurial children, with the next generation also driving new business. Entrepreneurial immigrant adults start businesses, and often their kids do also. Let in the young and educated. Brain drain the entire globe!
At the lower end of our economic spectrum, we open the gates for merit-based, most-qualified, most-potential workers coming for opportunities to add value to our country, and themselves. (You are not allowed to scream that this is unfair or discriminatory unless your company first hires 10 new refugee workers and pays them equal wages regardless of their skills or qualifications. And, if you do, the rest of us are thankful for your generosity. Please send us stories).
This enables more legal immigration, which allows these honorable economic migrants to not pretend they are something else, or to increase the 12 million illegal immigrants. The demographics of the U.S. demand that we allow these amazing people into our Monopoly game. They don't want free money, just to be allowed to play in our game. Because of our fantastic success, we now need them as much as they need us. What a great problem to have!
The only other answer is, of course, to radically cut entitlement spending, because the workforce forward is just not there to pay for the Social Security checks, much less Medicare. But, this will never happen until the big crash, default, disaster occurs. So, a proactive answer is to view the country with abundance, not scarcity. View the country as a CEO, and build our workforce intelligently.
This is easy math. Remember that math always, eventually, wins. We can create false narratives, fake news, and whatever silly ideology we wish to waste our time with, but the numbers don't lie. Now is the time to do it right. Carpe Diem! Have a great week!
"So often people are working hard at the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard." - Caterina Fake
** Thank you to the WSJ and Forbes for the above statistics and quotations.
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